Windows – Why do most Windows 7 laptops come with the 64 bit version

64-bitlaptopwindows 7

It seems increasingly popular for laptop manufacturers to preinstall the 64 bit version of Windows 7 on laptops. Whilst there are well understood benefits of 64 bit OS over 32 bit, how much of that is realisable on a laptop? What is the real advantage of 64 bit OS when the hardware otherwise limits performance by the capabilities of the RAM slots and hard disk data rates?

Best Answer

Since you've hinted that you've understood the benefits of 64 bit OS's, I will not elaborate on this aspect. One other reason is to do with Microsoft moving to ensure that eventually all their OS will be only 64 bit.

One big step is that their Windows Server 2008 R2 is only available as a 64 bit OS. If Microsoft, with the help of laptop manufacturers can get all their users to migrate to 64 bit OS's when both options are available; then when they release their '64 bit only' Desktop line of OS's in the future, the market (with users on Desktops and Laptops) will receive it with little or no resistance.