Windows – “Ticino” in the Windows 7 Explorer context menu

context menuwindows 7windows-explorer

I noticed today that I have a new Explorer context menu item called "Ticino" when I right-click a file on Windows 7. What is it?

"Ticino" item in Windows Explorer context menu

Best Answer

The "Ticino" item is added to the Windows Explorer context menu by early versions of Visual Studio Code Preview. It opens the selected file in Code for editing.

Previous versions of Code did not remove the item properly during uninstallation. According to the Code FAQ Microsoft fixed the issue as of version 0.3.0.

Q: I uninstalled Visual Studio Code on my Windows machine. Why do I still see Code in my Windows Explorer context menu?

A: We fixed this in VS Code 0.3.0.

Previously you may have needed to manually remove the following registry keys:

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