Windows – Keyboard shortcut for Windows explorer context menu items

context menukeyboard shortcutswindows 7windows-explorer

I have a few custom context menu items in Windows Explorer added through Registry keys.

Is it possibble to assign a keyboard shortcut to these menu items?

I have a new programmable keyboard from X-Keys in which I want to assign a key to run my context menu item when clicked however the only way to do it so far is to make a mouse click occur at an absolute or relative pixel count from where a click event occurs. This will not work though as the context menu position is different depending where the file is located on the screen.

So if there is a way to assign a keyboard shortcut to menu items then it would be perfect!

Best Answer

Add an ampersand & in the title before the character you'd like as the shortcut key. Then you can press the letter as a shortcut key.

For example, Pla&y should show up with the y underlined, and pressing y would activate the command.