Windows – TeamViewer Unattended Access without Monitor

remote accessremote desktopteamviewerwindows 7windows 8.1

I'm trying to manage some computers on my LAN. I don't have a windows pro version to get to other machines. If I don't have a monitor plugged in to the computers I want to manage, will remote support still work?

I'd also be interested to know how other remote support applications behave, such as TightVNC, RealVNC, or remote desktop.

I have machines running, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

Best Answer

Yes, you still will be able to use teamviewer, but teamviewer might not be able to use a resolution other than 800x600. I used to use Linux with Teamviewer on it, and if I booted the OS without the monitor being on (which was most of the time) it would report as no monitor present, and defaulted to 800x600.

Windows might remember the resolution last used even with no monitor present, but I'm not exactly sure.

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