Windows 7 Pro multi-monitor Remote Desktop software

remote desktopwindows 7

Since I only have Windows 7 Pro at home and at work, is there any other alternatives for multi-monitor support in a remote desktop connection?

I only found Splitview as of yet but I would like to know if there are any others.

Edit: For Remote Desktop.

Best Answer

As far as I understand Microsoft's Remote Desktop Connection can do this if you have multiple monitors: Multiple Monitors

But I've run into issues with this before where even if you check the "Use all my monitors for the remote session" is not checked that it doesn't do it.

To fix that I've gone and edited the .rdp file and added the two following lines:

use multimon:i:1
span monitors:i:1

Once I've added that the RDP will span both monitors.

Hope this helps :)

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