Windows – Task Manager shows only 50% of RAM usage

memorywindowswindows 10

My computer has 8GB RAM, but the Task Manager shows me processes % of 4GB only, i.e. Google Chrome uses 457MB and the Task Manager shows that is 11.3% of the RAM and that means 100% is about 4GB??

Task Manager usage

I'm using Windows 10 and these are some of my specs:

A screenshot of some of my specs.

I checked the Resource Monitor and it shows me that there are 3221MB cached. Is that normal? and how to fix it?

A screenshot of the Resource Monitor and RAM map.

Best Answer

Your first image shows your task manager at 100% disk usage and 46%-52% memory usage. Memory isn't an issue here. Your computer should work fine even if it passes 50%. It doesn't start showing issues until it goes over 80 (like you said.) The 100% means all 8GB is being used and this can slow your computer down to the point where it constantly freezes. I'm not sure why RAM is shown as a percentage, but Chrome is only using 457MB out of the 8GB you currently have. At least, that what it should be doing.

Although, I would currently focus on lowering your disk usage since it is at 100%. This is bad on HDDs and can cause issues in the long run.