Windows – Can Task Manager show the total memory usage for a group of processes


Some applications like Google Chrome and TweetDeck show up as several processes in Windows Task Manager. This means that the memory reported in each row is only part of the overall amount used by that application. Is there some way to view the total memory usage of an application or a group of related processes?

For example, in the screenshot below the total of all of the chrome.exe instances is 708,308 K, but I had to add that up manually as I can't find a way to get that total within Task Manager.

Screenshot of Task Manager

I have tried some alternatives such as Resource Monitor, Process Explorer and Process Hacker, but none of them seem to able to give the total either. I am using Windows 7 (Professional).

Best Answer

Use PowerShell:

  • (Get-Process chrome | Measure-Object WorkingSet -sum).sum
  • (Get-Process tweetd* | Measure-Object WorkingSet -sum).sum
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