Windows – Starting vim from Windows PowerShell

powershellvimwindowswindows 7

This isn't necessarily a problem, I'm more curious why this behavior occurs.

When attempting to launch vim from powershell, I'm greeted with the Open with window:

PS C:\> vim

enter image description here

If I specify:

PS C:\> vim.exe

Vim launches as expected. gVim launches as expected no matter if I specify:

PS C:\> gvim.exe


PS C:\> gvim

Again, it's not really problem, I just want to know why it happens and what I should look into to get consistent behavior when launching both vim and gvim from powershell.

Best Answer

There's probably a file called vim. that appears in the Path before vim.exe (or it's in the local folder you're trying to launch vim from) so it's getting called first when you type vim.

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