Disable scrolling when launching an app (Vim) inside Windows console window


In Windows, when I'm using the command prompt and launch Vim, I have a habit of trying to scroll through files using the mouse-wheel (which of course works in gVim but not inside the terminal).

Is there a way to configure the Windows command prompt to automatically disable scrolling (with both the scrollbar and the mousewheel) whenever an application is launched that runs inside the console window itself?

Ideally, there should be a way to have Windows "intelligently" determine whether scrolling should be disabled (since some applications, such as ssh, benefit from having scrolling available). Failing that, since Vim is the only application I use that behaves poorly when I try to scroll within it, I'd like to be able to just specify that launching Vim should always disable scrolling.

Best Answer

Apparently cmd.exe does intelligently disable scrolling by default, actually; my problem was that I was inside an ssh session, so Windows didn't actually know I was running vim. (I doubt there's a way to make the scrollbar disappear when you launch vim inside an ssh session inside cmd.exe.)

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