Windows – “Show Desktop” button on secondary monitor

multiple-monitorsshortcutstaskbarwindows 10

I have a multi-monitor setup, and the "show desktop" button is at the end of the taskbar on the primary monitor. This is now a problem since I have to awkwardly position my mouse in the middle of both screens to make use of it. Is there anyway to get this button at the end of the taskbar on either both monitors or only the second monitor?

Here is a screenshot for those that are confused:

Show Desktop Button

Note: I am not looking for solutions that create a shortcut/link to the desktop which is not at the very end of the taskbar. That defeats the whole point, since then I'll have to navigate to the icon, instead of just moving my mouse to position the pointer at the bottom right of the screen and clicking.

Best Answer

Yes, by moving your primary taskbar to the second screen.

  1. right-click the main taskbar
  2. uncheck where it says lock all taskbars
  3. click and hold on a blank space in that taskbar and drag it to the other screen
  4. make sure other taskbars are possitioned on their screens as you want them.
  5. right-click the main taskbar
  6. check where it says lock all taskbars
  7. log out and back in (or restart windows) to ensure the changes are saved.

Personally I only keep a single taskbar on my right monitor (I have three).

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