Windows – Taskbar partially missing in Windows 10

multiple-monitorstaskbarwindows 10

I recently upgraded to Windows 10 and I have a dual monitor set up. In the past, both screens shows the same desktop/taskbar and I can access the taskbar from either screen. Just recently I noticed large pieces of the taskbar on my secondary monitor are missing? The issue isn't necessarily that my taskbar isn't there, but more that it's only showing parts of it. If I hover my mouse over where the taskbar would be, I can still click and access different programs I have pinned to my taskbar.
Has this happened before to anyone and were you able to fix it?

Here's a screenshot of my primary monitor:
enter image description here

and here's a screenshot of my secondary monitor:enter image description here

you can see the second one only shows the Task View button and even then not the entire thing.

Best Answer

Right click the taskbar, click properties. There will be a section on the bottom third called 'Multiple displays'

Here you can customize how much of the taskbar appears on the secondary display.

The Default is: Show taskbar on all displays (checked)

Show Buttons on: All Taskbars

Buttons on other taskbars: Always combine, show labels.

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