Windows Server 2012 R2 RDS terminal session constant freeze, disconnects

freezenetworkingremote desktopvpnwindows server 2012

I have installed Windows 2012 R2, using it to support 15 remote desktop users. I have installed Office 2007 open lic. The problem I am having is I start a session, then if I run any Office program, or Internet Explorer, the session will freeze and then get disconnected. Outlook, in particular, will, when run, continually freeze the session every 15 seconds.

If I run the session using a workstation on the local LAN, I get no lockups. If I access over a VPN, then I get the lockups, but only when I run software. Connection Quality tool is usually 2 bars, but ping latency both ways on VPN connection is 36ms. I note that sometimes the connection quality shows no bars when it comes back on, then back to 2. If I do nothing in the session, just leave the remote desktop open, it never disconnects.

Any ideas here?

Best Answer

The answer to this was that the latest RDP clients use both TCP and UDP. It is the increased UDP stream that tripped the DOS defence on the Draytek firewall we have in place. We increased the UDP flood defence threshold to 2000 packets per second. Before this the timeout would kick in and stop the UDP packets from flowing, hence the freezing. Post fix no problems smooth as silk.

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