Windows – Remapping Win+Tab to Ctrl+Alt+Tab with Autohotkey

autohotkeywindows 8

I'm trying to remap Win+Tab to Ctrl+Alt+Tab using Autohotkey, in a way that each time I hit Win+Tab, it would send Ctrl+Alt+Tab instead.

I have this so far, but I'm not sure why it isn't working. I checked the documentation on Autohotkey and everything seemed right..

Rwin & Tab::send, CtrlAltTab

I was hoping someone could help me with this, thank you!

Best Answer

I can't check this because Ctrl+Alt+Tab doesn't seem to do anything on my machine, but the code would probably be:

Rwin & Tab::Send, ^!{Tab}

If this doesn't work, check first with either SoundBeep, 500, 500 or a normal character. If the SoundBeep, 500, 500 or normal character in e.g. Notepad doesn't work either, you might have to run AutoHotKey in Admin mode (Windows 8 issue).

The alternative that Aaron Miller came up with should be:

RWin & Tab::Send {Ctrl Down}{Alt Down}{Tab}{Alt Up}{Ctrl Up}

But as said again, test FIRST if AutoHotKey does work in Windows 8 with something simple like e::a . There is a good chance it does NOT, unless you run it with Admin rights (right click run as...)

I realize why Ctrl+Alt+Tab doesn't work on my machine. I disabled Flip 3D!

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