Windows – LM.Detection_x64.exe (XML Scan Engine) constantly using CPU

task-managerwindows 7

I always run task manager minimized to watch my CPU usage. My CPU has been running at at least 12% for the past 2 days. (8 cores) The process taking the CPU is:

LM.Detection_x64.exe (XML Scan Engine)

I did a google search to find what it is. I don't have any Lumension or Novell products installed on my laptop to my knowledge. (I went to Programs and did a search for those keywords).

I tried closing all of my programs and the process still exists. I even rebooted today.

What is causing this program to constantly use one core?

Best Answer

LM_DETECTION is the scanning engine for KACE tools. It is part of the system your system administration folks are likely using to do your updates and patches.

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