Windows 7 – Alternatives for Missing Keyboard Menu Key

keyboardwindows 7

I am trying to use my HTPC with only a keyboard. Even though my keyboard is from Microsoft, they failed basic windows certification and did not include a menu-key, the one that shows a mouse cursor and a menu, usually located on the right of the space bar, between alt and control.

without that i can't do many actions.

On windows XP (or maybe NT? not sure) right alt+enter used to emulate that key and i would get the context menu… but on windows 7 that ain't so.

Is there any other key combination that can act as an alternative for context menu on selected items on windows 7?

Best Answer

The alternative for the menu key - also known as the Apps Key - that brings up the context menu is Shift-F10.

Some other possible solutions can be found here: How can I open the context menu on start menu search results from the keyboard

E.g., if Shift-F10 is impractical, you could create a one line AutoHotkey script to change it to something more convenient, like Shift-F5.
