Windows – Is Ninite a trusuted solution for initial package management on fresh/clean install of Windows 7 64Bit

package-managementwindows 7

I'd like to re-open the question from link below, where several packages were suggested besides such as
Package managers for Windows

What I'd like to know is if they are all to be trusted to install in Windows 7 (64bit) so that the manager:

  • Installs the latest version of software.
  • Supports 64 bit installs where possible.
  • Strips ads/toolbars/similar stuff.

The later two points from previous questions are good but not a priority in the preparation of a clean install

  • Provides a way to keep the programs updated after installation.
  • If I can add custom installers to the software, that's a big plus.

I am more concerned here about using a legitimate application I can trust to establish the basis of clean image of my operating system with all the application of choice installed without fuss and spam/bloatware.

Best Answer

I'll try and dissect each point to make things a little easier.

In regards to Ninite:

installs the latest version of software

Yes. Ninite will install the latest (stable) releases of software.

supports 64 bit installs where possible

Definitely. From Ninite's page - Ninite checks your PC's language and 64-bit support to install the latest, best version of each program.

strips ads/toolbars/similar stuff

Yes. Ninite installs apps with the default settings and says No to toolbars and other junk where possible. I've tested it with Java and no toolbar was installed. To quote the Ninite website - Ninite installs software fast with default settings and says "no" to browser toolbars and other junk.

provides a way to keep the programs updated after installation

Unfortunately no. The software is installed "as is". If the software (such as Firefox) comes with an updater, you can use that, but Ninite is not really a package manager in the strict sense, more of an easier software deployment tool. You may be interested in Update Notifier for this purpose.

if I can add custom installers to the software, that's a big plus.

Neither of the solutions in the other thread can do this as far as I know. If you are looking to automatically install other software not listed in Ninite on a clean install of Windows, most installer packages include command line switches you can use to silently install the software.

For great information on deploying software on clean installs, is a great resource.

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