Windows – built-in package management system in Windows

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Does Windows come with a package manager these days? I haven't used Windows in years. I'm hoping it has something similar to yum, apt, pacman, etc. found on various Linux distros. Obviously Windows isn't Linux, but it sounds like Windows and PowerShell etc. have come a long way.

I'd like to be able to automate the installation of a current version of Python for instance, from a batch script without all the monotonous GUI navigation. That kind of thing.

Best Answer

Yes, Windows 10 PowerShell has PackageManagement. For python, I believe you need to install chocolatey as a package provider first.

Here is how I was able to install python using PackageManagement.

  1. Run PowerShell as administrator
  2. Install-PackageProvider chocolatey

Install chocolatey

  1. Find-Package python

Find python This shows python 3.7.2, if you want python 2.7.x, use python2.

  1. Install-Package python

Install python

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