Windows – How to turn a keyboard shortcut into a Desktop shortcut

keyboard shortcutswindows

Here is my dilemma:

I use several keyboard shortcuts to be more productive and get faster access to certain things in Windows. But… is there a way to translate those keyboard combinations into a shortcut file that can be placed on the desktop and run with the mouse?
I am referring only to keyboard shortcuts that can be used to get around Windows, not shortcuts for specific applications.

This will be very useful to other users who are not that into keyboard shortcuts.

Best Answer

You could use a VBS script to do this with sendkeys.

Create a text file with a .vbs extension, and create a WScript Shell object, then use sendkeys. I just tried this with ctrl-shift-escape to open task manager:

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.SendKeys "^+{ESCAPE}"

Found the info here.

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