Windows 10 shortcut keys only work when shortcut is on desktop

keyboardkeyboard shortcutsshortcutswindowswindows 10

I am creating a keyboard shortcut to open the calculator in Windows 10. I have created a shortcut on my desktop and added the following key configurations:

Link to settings screenshot of shortcut

This works fine whilst the shortcut is on the desktop; pressing CTRL+NUM0 opens the calculator.

However, I don't want the shortcut cluttering my desktop so I want to hide it somewhere, but when the shortcut is moved from the desktop it stops working. This includes moving it to the StartMenu folder.

I read on this thread that on Windows 7 the keyboard shortcuts only work on the desktop and when the shortcut is placed in the StartMenu folder.

Has this changed with Windows 10? Is there a way to implement this natively on Windows 10 without having the shortcut on the desktop?

Best Answer

Yes. You can place the shortcut in this folder, or one of its sub-folders:

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs

*note you must first sign out and back in or restart your computer for the shortcut to start working.