Windows – How to install Chrome extension through windows registry in Windows 8.1

google-chromegoogle-chrome-extensionswindowswindows 8.1windows-registry

Used the following tutorial:

Using the Windows registry

  1. Find or create the following key in the registry:
    32-bit Windows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Google\Chrome\Extensions
    64-bit Windows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Google\Chrome\Extensions

  2. Create a new key (folder) under the Extensions key with the same name as the ID of your extension (for example, aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbcccccccccc).

  3. In your extension key, create a property, "update_url", and set it to the value: "" (this points to your extension's crx in the Chrome Web Store):

  4. Launch the browser and go to chrome://extensions; you should see the extension listed.

This method does not work for me. Please help me find a solution.

How to install Chrome extension through windows registry in Windows 8.1?

Best Answer

There are two places I can think of that can go wrong with this:

  1. Did you get the correct ID for the extension? If it's wrong then it won't install. You can confirm the ID by installing the extension manually, then go to chrome://extensions, go into developer mode, click on details, and it should give you the ID. You could also find the extension in the folder they are installed in but I don't recommend this way.

  2. The instructions you posted are a bit misleading because you don't actually need the quotes. So just use update_url and the web address without quotes.

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