Windows 8.1 Command Prompt can’t show fonts listed in registry editor

command lineconsolefontswindows 8.1windows-registry

I have a Windows 8.1 and I want to change the fonts of command prompt.
I open the properties window, shown below

Raster Fonts

However, I can't find what I want. I open the registry editor to
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont]

And here are

00  Consolas
0 Lucida Console

Why can't I see them in property windows of the command prompt?

Best Answer

Fonts have to be specifically added to a different part of the registry to be seen by the console.dll (which shows the properties).

Think of it as a UI feature from Windows 2.x they have not got around to 'fixing' yet.