Windows – How to call a cmd on a remote server without having the absolute path

batch filescriptwindows

I would like to call a cmd (let's call it x.cmd) on a remote server. The x.cmd will return a log file in a log folder. Problem is this log folder in x.cmd doesn't have an absolute path (just a relative path like log\ ) so if I do

wmic /node:server process call create "serverpath\x.cmd"

it will process x.cmd but save the log file into system32 or somewhere I assume. If I add cd /d %~dp0 into x.cmd then it works fine. Unfortunately I am not allowed to touch x.cmd. Just wondering is there any other way to call the x.cmd without modifying it and also the correct output. Thanks.


Best Answer

the second parameter that wmic process accepts is the directory.You can try this:

wmic /node:server process call create "serverpath\x.cmd" , "c:\path\to\x.cmd"


wmic /node:server process call create CommandLine="serverpath\x.cmd" CurrentDirectory="c:\path\to\x.cmd"

You might need one additional call of net share on the remote machine to get exact location of the directory. something like this:

wmic /node:server process call create "cmd /c \"net share ^> \\\\myshare\\server.shares.txt \""
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