Windows – How to create a link to an executable which must be run in its own folder

command linesymbolic-linkwindows

I have a program inside a folder like below. The objective is to have a link in the utilities folder so I can call it from any command line.


Is it possible to create a link, symbolic link or hard link in the Utilities folder that can run the file as if its inside the Program folder? When I create the symlink, the program does not locate its dll/ini files. When I create a .lnk, I can't run it from command line by just typing "program", e.g. in PowerShell, cmd or Run.

             program         <--------- should be the link

I need the link because my environment PATH will include only the Utilities folder, so I don't want to append a new folder to the PATH every time I add a new Program folder, I would like just to create a new [hard/sym]link.

Best Answer

Unfortunately I cant comment to answers. So I have to write a new one.
If you want to use the comand to the program native in the commandline then dont use the command @Start.

@"pathtofile/program.exe" %*

With this all parameters are piped to the original program and all outputs are piped to the calling commandline. With an entry of the utility Directory in the path you can use it in cmd, powershell and run-dialog.
In this answere here, the technique is described, too.

PS: Just use .cmd instead of .bat to differentiate optically the shortcut from an normal batch file. The usage is the same.

EDIT: After testing I realized that the called programm does not recognizes needed files in the same folder (as wanted from the question opener). So a more complex script (all in batch) is needed to change to the programms folder, then execute und than changes dir back.

The only thing you have to change in the script is the progpath variable to the wanted program. Of course you can skip all the REM-commands too (only commenting the code).
Heres the script:


REM enable local variables

REM fullpath of program
SET progpath=C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Lukas Seidler\Desktop\notepad

REM save current direcory
SET currpath=%CD%

REM change to drive of prog
FOR %%I IN ("%progpath%") DO (%%~dI)

REM change to path of prog
FOR %%I IN ("%progpath%") DO (CD "%%~pI")

REM execute prog with optional parameters
FOR %%I IN ("%progpath%") DO ("%%~nxI" %*)

REM change to calling drive
FOR %%I IN ("%currpath%") DO (%%~dI)

REM change to calling path
FOR %%I IN ("%currpath%") DO (CD "%%~pnI\")

REM disable local variables


For easily creating the file in the utilities dir use another script and place it in the utilities dir (for easy access). I named it makeshortcut.bat. Usage is: makeshortcut "full\path\to\file". Just change the variable utilitypath to your folder.

SET utilitypath=D:\Apps\CommonFiles
SET outfile="%utilitypath%\%~n1.cmd"
ECHO @ECHO OFF > %outfile%
ECHO SETLOCAL >> %outfile%
ECHO SET progpath=%~f1 >> %outfile%
ECHO SET currpath=^%%CD^%% >> %outfile%
ECHO FOR ^%%^%%I IN ("^%%progpath^%%") DO (^%%^%%~dI) >> %outfile%
ECHO FOR ^%%^%%I IN ("^%%progpath^%%") DO (CD "^%%^%%~pI") >> %outfile%
ECHO FOR ^%%^%%I IN ("^%%progpath^%%") DO ("^%%^%%~nxI" ^%%*) >> %outfile%
ECHO FOR ^%%^%%I IN ("^%%currpath^%%") DO (^%%^%%~dI) >> %outfile%
ECHO FOR ^%%^%%I IN ("^%%currpath^%%") DO (CD "^%%^%%~pnI\") >> %outfile%
ECHO ENDLOCAL >> %outfile%
ECHO done.

WARNING: No checks of arguments are made. Existing files are overwritten.

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