Windows – Change the color of the current window box in the Alt-TAB menu in Windows 7/Vista

aeroalt-tabwindowswindows 7windows-vista

I don't know about you guys but I've always had this beef with Windows 7 and Vista.

When pressing Alt-TAB, with Aero enabled, the Alt-TAB bar appears with a border around the window you're about to switch over to.

The problem is, this border is so subtle and the color is so similar to the Alt-TAB box itself, that oftentimes I just can't tell which window I'm about to switch to. This is especially true if the background of the window is white and on laptop screens when I'm looking at an angle.

Is there a way to make the border more distinct or change its color?

See an example below. The border is around the first window and is barely visible.

alt text

Best Answer

In Windows 7 RC1 (don't know if this has changed in RTM) the Alt+Tab highlight colour doesn't change from light blue when you change the Window colour (which sets the background of the Alt+Tab panel).

Your best bet is to change the window colour to something which will give you more contrast with the blue i.e. any colour other than the blue in your screen shot.

(Change colour via 'Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Personalization > Window Colour and Appearance'.)

Alt+Tab panel with some decent contrast