Windows – Is it possible to bring back Aero preview on alt+tab in Windows 10

aerowindowswindows 10windows 7

Back in Windows 7, when one presses alt+tab the "Windows Flip" menu appears and if (s)he holds alt but stops pressing tab, a preview of the app appears. In Windows 10, the behaviour is different: the menu looks different (not sure if it can be still refered as "Windows Flip") and holding alt without pressing tab doesn't bring the preview. While I'm ok with the menu itself, I wonder if there's a way to bring the preivew back.

The problem is also described here; let me bring the screenshot from there to illustrate what preview I'm talking about:

Windows 7 showing alt-tab peekWindows 10 not showing alt-tab peek

(I add the windows-7 tag so that gentlemen familiar with its internals may help too)

PS As mentioned in comments, Aero Peek works for me for previewing desktop (when cursor hovers over bottom right corner thing on TaskBar); and also works with elements on TaskBar (hover mouse over an element → get a smaller preview; hover mouse over that preview → get full window preview which is what I miss when using alt+tab).

Best Answer

Sadly, no.

This is because only a few Aero effects actually continued on from Vista and 7

Those effects are Aero desktop peek, and Aero task-bar peek (names I just gave them to allow for most people to understand)

there might be some programs that return something similar, but they can't use ALT+TAB as it is now a protected system shortcut

I will request that feature in the Windows Feedback Hub for you, and I hoe the return the functionality, as it was very nice

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