Windows 8.1 Black screen + flickering mouse after update

biossafe-modewindowswindows 8.1

So, my Windows 8.1 Computer announced that it needed to update, so I hit "Update and Shutdown". Normally, everything would be Ay-Okay, but apparently not this time.

This time, whenever I boot my computer the following happens:

1) I get a black screen with a flickering mouse, no displays.

2) When I plug it into my TV via HDMI, same result, just on both screens.

I've tried booting into safe mode, but I still get a blank screen.

I'm really at wits end here, and nobody elses issues that I've seen match this.

TO CLARIFY: The error happens AFTER the POST boot. I see a Windows 8 Splash-Screen, loading bar/circle thing, and then just a black screen.

What's happening to my PC, and how can I fix it (without safemode, because that's not working, either).

Best Answer

I had the same problem after updating to Windows 8.1. I discovered that the third party Start Menu app StartisBack was installed but not compatible with Windows 8.1. I solved the problem by updating the app.

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