Windows 7 64-bit SSL untrusted certificate error when visiting any SSL website

64-bitsslssl-certificatewindows 7

I have installed Windows 7 64-bit and I get an untrusted certificate error when visiting any website served via SSL, like,, etc.

I tried this using Firefox, IE and Chrome and it happens in all three! I installed all updates, but that didn't fix the problem.

I reinstalled Windows again and without installing any program or driver, tried to visit SSL sites, but the problem still exists!

Note that when I install Windows 7 32-bit, I don't get any error and everything works! and my windows date/time is correct.

Did anyone have a problem like that?

Best Answer

I've come across a similar issue on a Windows 8 computer. The SSL Roots had been removed somehow.

Installing Microsoft's Root Certificate Update should resolve the issue.

The KnowledgeBase Article can be found here -