Untrusted certificate with Internet Explorer 11

certificateinternet explorerssl

I get "untrusted certificate" errors when opening all https sites in IE 11.

I added sites to trusted sites, adjusted date and time, reset IE setting, installed sites' certificates (by click on view certificates and then install) but the problem still exists!

When I open up IE and want to open a site IE always shows "There is a problem with this website’s security certificate" after clicking "continue to the website .." always a red error appears on address bar like the following image:


How do I resolve this?

Best Answer

I guess you are in a corporate environment where the proxy acts as SSL in the middle. Connections from the client to the proxy are encrypted, albeit with a proxy SSL certificate. And connections from the proxy to the target site are encrypted with the target's site certificate.

The advantage is that your proxy can perform anti-virus scans and check the content for malicious code.

You sometimes see this happening in third-party firewall solutions on clients, where the third-party software will act like a corporate proxy.

No protection without loss of privacy.

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