Windows 10 black screen – no cursor – no safe mode – can’t get in to change video driver


Windows 10 upgrade from Win 7 Ultimate finished & rebooted into low res. But it did work. Tried to upgrade video drivers to latest 2 versions of Win 10 Nvidia drivers. Both failed. EVGA GTX 970 SSC. Rebooted & after logo, came to black screen & stops.

Before upgrade, I should have changed video driver to generic low res version but forgot & left it on the Win 7 Nvidia driver which was NOT listed as Win 10 compliant (I discovered afterwards)

Tried HDMI Out from Nvidia card; Fail

Removed Nvidia card, selected MB Intel graphics in BIOS & connected to MB Video Out; Fail

Tried my Ultimate Boot CD. All attempts crash to blue screen. BUT….. next Win 10 boot, goes to failed startup screen & displays Advanced Repair oOtions;

COMMAND PROMPT: Success I can get the dos prompt & can see files & directories but that's it.

At one point, got this error: "System Thread Exception Not Handled – wdf01000.sys"

NTBTLOG.TXT shows dxkrnl.sys is the last driver to attempt loading before the black screen; it fails to load even though higher up the list it shows it did load.

So I guess I need to remove Nvidia drivers or know where to go to change the video driver to a plain jane basic generic driver; but I have to do it from DOS.

Anyone know the locations & filenames to do the job?

MB – ASUS Gene V Maximus BIOS version-1903

CPU – Intel I5-3570k

RAM – 16 GB Crucial (2×8 GB)

Videocard – EVGA GTX 970 SSC

KB – Logitech G11

Mouse – Logitech Gaming Mouse.

Sound – Realtek built-in the MB.


Best Answer

I found a solution for a similar problem:

Situation: I'm using the latest drivers for Windows 10 (353.62). After Windows gets some updates, it needs to reboot; after the restart and the Windows startup logo, the screen remains black. System Repair doesn't help.

Relevant parts of my setup:

  • Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0
  • AMD FX9590 (8 core 4.7GHz)
  • 32GB RAM
  • GeForce GTX 960
  • 2 Samsung UHD screens connected with DisplayPort cable
  • 1 Samsung smart TV (on the wall) connected with HDMI cable
  • Windows 10

The solution: The workaround is surprisingly simple. Before starting the PC, the HDMI cable needs to be pulled out! Once logged in, the cable can be reconnected.

Before the Windows updates, the workaround was not necessary. We'll need to wait for a fix from Microsoft or nVidia, but until then, pulling the cable works.

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