What is a PATA power port doing on the 3.5″ desktop SATA HDD


am trying to recover data from my old 3.5" desktop HDD using a "usb to sata/ide" kit.
youtube video here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_26166&feature=iv&src_vid=ZmoPGV7qWs4&v=Zvom7l-jcKE)

adapter kit is here(http://www.ebay.in/itm/261775205494?aff_source=Sok-Goog)

am wondering what to do with the PATA power port when all thats required are the "SATA power" and the "SATA data" ports. heres a pic of my HDD ports

enter image description here

Best Answer

These were early hybrid desktop drives when people did not have sata power cables inside their desktops, so they gave you a choice of power connections, Do Not connect both of them at the same time! It will smoke the drive, don't ask how I know this... WD gave no clear warning on the consequences of doing it either.

The Molex connector was discontinued on Sata drives for obvious reasons. They started shipping sata to molex adapters with sata drives instead.

FlexPower: Connector technology that accepts power from either industry standard or new SATA power supplies.

See this PDF

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