Way I can choose what individual files to download within a .torrent


Is there a way to get the list of files under the files tab without the download starting? Sometimes I am after a single file within a torrent, however, to see the list, I need to start downloading.

I then select the only file I want to download, but the other files which started to download and were stopped still will appear on the completed side even if 1k/600k of that file has downloaded. You can imagine the mess and confusion this can cause.

So, is there a way I can instruct my BitTorrent/uTorrent program to just grab the file list?

You must download the .torrent file. This contains the list of files. If you download using a magnet link, you do not get the list of files until the torrent starts.

Best Answer

In µTorrent as well as clearing the "Don't start the download automatically" option, enable the "Show a window that displays the files inside the torrent" option.

This will give you dialog in which you can select which files you want to download before it adds the torrent to the download list.

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