Using qBittorrent is there a way to skip downloading junk files


I just read How to edit the list of files to download in a .torrent file? and it show's how you can edit a torrent file but it would not work anymore.

So my question, is once the all file's are finished downloading, is there a way to delete the junk files automatically?

Secondary question, is it possible to not have incomplete download's in my completed download's folder?

I always have tons of files with extension of !QB, in my completed download's folder, when they shouldn't be there. Since that interefere's with my automation to move completed downloads.

Is there a setting I need to do?

Thank you for your time.

Best Answer

On the "Content" tab of your torrent you can set files to "do not download" priority.

In options you can configure it to keep complete and incomplete file in different dirs and enable/disable addition of .!qb extension to incomplete files.

It looks like this enter image description here

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