Vim under screen under PuTTY working with mouse wheel


Is there any way to make this work?

i'd love to scroll my files in vim with the mouse scroll wheel.

Also, i wouldn't mind scrolling the gnu screen buffer with the mouse wheel as well, without having to type ctrl+a,ESC


as mentioned in Isaac Rabinovitch's answers, the screen and vim settings are already fine. I think the whole issue resides in PuTTY alone.

Best Answer

Scrolling with the mouse wheel in Vim under PuTTY over an ssh connection works for me if I have executed this:

:set mouse=a

Tested with tmux, screen and no screen multiplexer.


As requested, here is the ~/.screenrc from the machine I used for testing.

startup_message off
vbell off
bell_msg 'Bell in window %n^G'
defscrollback 500
hardstatus off
altscreen on

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