Transparent background in Notepad++


Is there a way to make the background of Notepad++ text editor transparent like Eclipse?

enter image description here

Perhaps, there is a plugin which does this job.

Best Answer

Use Notepad++ plugin TopMost and select the option 'Make my window transparent'.

My experience with this plugin has been very limited and I came to know about it when I had the exact opposite problem with my Notepad++: my Notepad++ window became unexpectedly transparent. I was able to remove the transparency by unflagging the 'Make my window transparent' option from the Plugin->TopMost menu in NotePad++.

This is the Plugin description that Notepad++ provides:

TopMost allows to set the main Notepad++ window as a topmost window so it can stay on top of other windows even when it is not active. This plugin sync with Notepad++ own stay on top functionality and allows to remember the setting between restarts as well as to show a toolbar button. Author: Franco Stellari