‘sqlcmd’ is not recognized as an internal or external command


(I know this isn't really meant for here, but I can't ask questios on Stack Exchange)

I'm creating a batch file and I get this error message:
'sqlcmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

I know why my code is wrong but don't know how to fix it.. I haven't got MYSQL and I'm not using Microsoft SQL server 2005, I'm using SQLyog and there is no sqlcmd, so what do I change my code to?

This is my code:

@echo off

set /p SName=Server Name :
set /p UName=User Name : root
set /p Pwd=Password :
set /p DbName=Database Name : test

set /p choice=ARE YOU SURE TO EXECUTE SCRIPTS in %DbName% (y/n) ?

if '%choice%'=='y' goto begin
goto end

if exist _dataimport.txt del _dataimport.txt

@echo on

sqlcmd -S %SName% -U %UName% -P %Pwd% -d %DbName% -I -i "UDDs"\UDDs.sql >> _dataimport.txt 2>&1

@notepad _dataimport.txt


Best Answer

Assuming that you have properly installed your SQL softwares, if the command prompt returns with:

(name of the software) is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

this means that your software is not probably placed into the folder defined by the %PATH% environment variable. With this latter it is possible to recall executable applications without defining their full path. Then, to solve this issue you can:

  1. define the full path to the .exe file in you batch script
  2. or move the .exe file into the directory defined by %PATH%

You can see the list of the directories defined by this environment variable invoking the set command from the terminal or opening Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables