Windows – ‘wmic’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

batchwindowswindows 7wmic

I need to run this script I made. This batch should copy compiled program on STM32 Nucleo. It uses wmic to find Nucleo's virtual drive's letter by it's label:

@echo off
for /f %%D in ('wmic volume get DriveLetter^, Label ^| find "NODE_F446RE"') do set nucleo_drive=%%D
  IF EXIST main.bin (
    @echo on
    xcopy main.bin %D%
    @echo off
    echo Copied main.bin on nucleo
  ) ELSE (
    echo Binary not found. Run `mingw32-make` in this directory to compile the project.
) ELSE (
  echo Nucleo drive not found. If needed, edit the `find "NODE_F446RE"` part of this script to refference your nucleo volume name.

But I get this error:

'wmic' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

I ensured that Windows Management Instrumenation service is running. What else could be wrong?

Best Answer

This indicates that the wmic utility's directory is not found on your PATH. Open the advanced System Properties window (you can open the System page with Windows+Pause/Break) and on the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables. In the section for system variables, find PATH (or any capitalization thereof). Add this entry to it:


Note that entries are delimited by semicolons.