Windows 7 – Fix Search in Control Panel Losing Focus After Typing One Character

control-panelwindowswindows 7windows-search

When I open windows' control panel, click the search bar and start typing, it always lose focus after typing in one character. If I click it again to regain focus, the problem wouldn't happen again. I'm wondering if this is a feature or a bug? As far as I can tell it happens in windows 7 and 8.

Best Answer

I too found the same problem with a new W7 laptop, but have a solution.

The answer it to make sure you have your Control Panel window set to VIEW BY: CATEGORY

As much as you may hate this setting, it's worth the pain to avoid the Windows bug. In fact, with this setting not only does the 'focus lost after first keystroke' problem go away, but you will also find the search box is given initial focus when you first open the control panel window. Very important for keyboard addicts!

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