Remote desktop rearranges icons, but not so they would fit better in small resolutions

remote desktopwindows 7

Logging into my job computer using remote desktop will make the icons rearrange, but not always. Sometimes they do not rearrange.

When I am connected with remote desktop, the icons in the right edge is a waste. When I come back to the computer physically, the icons could or would not be rearranged.

When they are rearranged, they do not necessarily go to a place further to the left. They could move down two places.

Is there anyone that knows the idea behind this?

How do I prevent this if I do not want to install a 3rd party software that would take a snapshot of the icons and later on restore them?

I consider creating two bat files, one that restricts the access to the registry key where icon positions are stored and one that releases the restriction.

However, ideas are welcome.

Best Answer

This typically occurs if you connect to the same server from two different computers that have different resolutions. For example, a desktop that has 1920x1080 and a notebook that has 1280x1024.

This GPO setting should prevent the desktop shortcuts from being re-arranged:

Policy location: User Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Desktop
Setting: Don't save settings on exit

Registry Key:  HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer  
Registry Value: NoSaveSettings