Windows – Desktop icons rearrange after using remote desktop connection

iconsremote desktopwindows

I sometimes remote into my desktop PC (1900×1280) from my laptop (1280×900). When I do, Windows (Vista) on the desktop PC rearranges all my desktop icons.

I could understand this if the RDP session's desktop size was too small to fit them in, but it's not. I have about 12 icons, which do fit on the laptop's resolution (I've tried).

Why would Windows rearrange them all like this each time?

Best Answer

I know about 3rd party software that will restore the arrangement of the desktop icons after you make a remote desktop connection.

The 1st link is for the software, and the 2nd one is a blog post about this software (explaining generally how to use it, though it's an easy interface and easy to use software)

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