Outlook – How to know in an accepted a outlook meeting request that I am required or optional


I was sent an outlook meeting invite with other people which I accepted and now it shows in my outlook. The meeting request was sent a while ago and the original meeting request is deleted and doesn't exists even in my deleted mails folder.

Now I want to know if I was in the list of required people or optional ?

I am using outlook 2013.

Best Answer

Here are two options:

  1. Open the meeting in the calendar view and click on the scheduling assistant button - this lists all invitees with their required/optional status

  2. Add some custom formatting to show optional meetings visually.

    • Right click on the calendar
    • Select "View Settings"
    • Select "Conditional formatting"
    • Add a new rule, give it a name and a colour of choice
    • Select "Condition" and then "Advanced"
    • Click "Field", select "All appointment fields" and then "Optional attendees"
    • Set the condition to "includes" and the value to your name.
    • Optional appointments should then show up in a different colour.