Outlook – How to change the organizer of a meeting I have scheduled in the Outlook Calendar


I have a meeting that I accepted from somebody else on my Outlook calendar, and because of a syncing issue, I need to be able to change the organizer in my calendar to myself, instead of the person who sent it to me, because the sync program won't recognize it otherwise.

How do you change the organizer of a meeting in Outlook?

Best Answer

Whoever originates the meeting is the owner and Outlook 2010 does not support what you need to do. A possible workaround; you can delete the appointment from your calendar and recreate it on your own calendar in order to be the owner of the appointment. You don't have to send it to all the same people, just save it on your calendar.

Note: You might want to let the organizer know what you are doing in case they receive a message that you deleted the meeting request.

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