Windows – Minimize all windows on the active monitor

keyboard shortcutsmultiple-monitorsvisual basicwindowswindows 7

I'm looking for a way to use a keyboard shortcut to minimize all the windows on the monitor that currently has my mouse on it. I found this page: but that appears to be hardcoded to minimize windows on a specific monitor, rather than the active monitor. Plus, I have no idea how to compile that code (not a VB coder). Anybody know a way that I can make this happen? I'm on Windows 7 ultimate, 3 monitors.

Best Answer

Under Windows 7, here is the list of the keyboard shortcuts that manage multiple windows :

Minimize all windows on all Monitors. Press again to restore previous state

Minimize all windows on all Monitors.

Restore previously minimized windows on current Monitor

Set all windows to Minimized on current Monitor except active

Preview Desktop / make windows transparent (May not work with all Settings)

Source : 127 useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 7.

The OP notes that Actual Multiple Monitors has an option for "Minimize All command affects only the monitor with mouse".
