Macos – Running IE on OSX with WineBottler: Can’t find wine

internet explorermacoswine

So I want to run IE7 on OSX 10.6 with WineBottler. I saw it was possible to run IE on Mac with WineBottler, following these instructions.

I installed WineBottler and IE7. All was looking good.

However, when I tried to open IE7 from the Applications menu, I got an error message:

"Can't find Wine. Wine is required to run this program."

I then installed wine-devel from macports (which was a bit fiddly as I hit this problem and had to update a lot of dependencies, but it did eventually build).

However, even after doing that, I'm still seeing the 'Can't find wine' error message whenever I try to open IE7 or WineBottler.

Could anyone advise? Do I need to start wine running somehow?

Best Answer

I also have wine installed through macports, but ie8 (installed through winebottler) gave the same error. However, The disk image that had also had a which I had ignored due to my having already had the port installed. But when I installed the program (by moving it to Applications/) I was able to start ie8, but it's still not working quite right.

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