Macos – Google Chrome Freezing in External Monitor


I'm using a Macbook with Retina Screen with a DELL LED Monitor connect via HDMI Cable.

I usually keep Google Chrome Canary open in External Monitor with 8-10 tabs open and Keep my Editor in Macbook's own screen to work. But If I leave my laptop Idle for few minutes or it goes in Sleep mode and After waking it up my Google Chrome Canary in External Monitor stops responding. I can drag it to here and here but All tabs will be unresponsive. Only option would be to Force close and restart it again.

My chrome version is 39.0.2136.0 canary (64-bit) and OSX version is 10.9.4 with 8 GB RAM.

Can any one help me to solve this issue?

Best Answer

Most of the time I dock my laptop with the lid closed and use my external screen. Every time I undocked my laptop, chrome froze and I had to kill the process. (this is on a Windows 7 machine)

This fixed it for me

Chrome -> Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Uncheck "Use harware acceleration when available"
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