Google-chrome – Save list of open tabs in Google Chrome when not responding


I left Google Chrome open on my XP host last night with a bunch of open tabs, and this morning, the applications stops responding.

I'm afraid killing and restarting Chrome won't recover the open tabs.

I tried making a copy of "C:\Documents and Settings(me)\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Current Tabs", but even though I'm logged in with Admin rights, I get "Access denied on file Current Tabs".

Is there a way to get the list of tabs currently open in the browser?

Thank you.

Edit: I went ahead, killed Chrome… and as I feared, it didn't recover the open tabs. By default, Google doesn't seem to handle this, so we have to change its configuration: Basics > On Start Up: "Reopen the pages that were open last".

If the above doesn't work, maybe there's an extension that keeps tracks of open URL's and will positively recover them after a crash?

A more rudimentary solution is to 1) kill Chrome, and 2) grep for "http" the following file: "C:\Documents and Settings(me)\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Current Session".

Best Answer

Open Settings and there "On startup", "open the tabs that were open last time".

Works for me, ie. recovers the tabs also in case of a program crash.