Mac – Emacs email reader with “conversation view” support


I'm a happy long time Wanderlust user. Since I adopted Inbox Zero, however, I feel that archiving read emails does not work very well with Wanderlust and ordinary IMAP folders, because when a new message comes in, you have no idea which thread the mail belongs to.

GMail, however, have very nice feature called Conversation View. With this feature, a MUA can bring back the archived related messages along with the new message just came in to my inbox. Thunderbird also has a plugin called Thunderbird Conversations. This is also good.

Note that I'm not interested in the user interface of conversation view, but its functionality to bring related messages back in to my inbox.

There is a list of Emacs MUA but I'm not sure any of them support the feature or not.

So, my questions are:

  • Does Wanderlust support conversation view already? if not,
  • Is there code out there to hook in to wl-summary-sync-updated-hook? if not,
  • Is there any MUA for Emacs with conversation view?, if none,
  • Do you have any advice except "Use GMail or Thunderbird"?

Best Answer

I don't know about Wanderlust, but Gnus has something that's similar to what you're looking for. By default, Gnus will only show unread messages in a folder, so if you define "archiving" as "mark read and leave in folder", you will by default only see new messages but can bring back the conversation (or "thread", as Gnus calls it) with A T.

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