Linux – Rename photos during download from camera – on Linux


On Windows, I'm using this feature (right-hand text) of the excellent cam2pc software to download images&videos from my camera and rename them in the same step. I haven't found any software for Linux that does the same, or does it as good. Suggestions please?

Details and requirements:

  1. I am using Picasa for everything after the download and I want to keep using it.
  2. I want a better download functionality than what Picasa offers.
  3. I know that some tools can do batch renaming after the download, but that's limited to those inside one folder. I want to specify the renaming scheme before the download, in a one-step process.
  4. Must run on PCLinux 2009.2 (Mandriva variant with KDE).
  5. Should autodetect that the camera has been plugged into the pc.
  6. Must download JPG and AVI files.
  7. Must support a user-customizable pattern for the downloaded files, like
    path/year/year-month-day hour-min TOPIC serial#.lowercase-extension
    e.g. photos/2009/20091218 1214 Skiing with friends 001.jpg
    (In cam2pc, that would look like %Y%m%d %h%u %P %{num:3}.%{ext})

By the way, I'm new to Linux and not a programmer, so I am hoping that solutions already exist that aren't too technical, or well documented.

Best Answer

sorry if I'll tell you something that could be obvious, but: have you tried if that application can run under WINE?

Just because I saw the website of cam2pc and it has a lot of features that, for sure, could be reproducted on any Unix machine, using many little tools (for example cron, wget, diff, mkdir, mv and so on), but it requires to have some skills and/or a little of spare time.

While I'm here, I would suggest you to take a look at DigiKam and at F-Spot as well that, although don't have all the features you are requiring, maybe could help you to do some useful tricks.

Hope that helps.

EDIT: I tried cam2pc inside my box (Ubuntu 9.04 64bit) under WINE and it worked like a charm! Here's a screenshot where you can see my desktop with cam2pc running and a terminal with the outputs of uname -a and wine --version:

enter image description here

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