Word – Importing an EPS vector file to Microsoft Word without losing quality

epsimportmicrosoft word

If I import an .eps picture to Microsoft Word as normal, the quality
of the vector picture comes down (the image gets rasterised.

In this case, the EPS was produced with the pgfplot package and tikzpicture,
But it would be great to have a general way of importing PDFs, PSs or EPSs into Word.

So, how can I import .eps/.pdf/.ps to MS Word without losing quality?

Best Answer

Convert the .eps file to .emf (Enhanced MetaFile, a spool file format used in printing by Microsoft software). There are several ways to do this conversion; for example by using the following webservice: https://cloudconvert.com/eps-to-emf

In my experience, .emf files are the only way to reliably embed vector graphics in several Word versions on Mac and Windows.

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