FTP to Hidden Server – How to (S)FTP to Hidden Server


Not sure how to phrase this exactly. I have a school web server which I have to access to sshing to one server, and then from there ssh to another. Is there anyway I can set something up to bypass the first server, so I can access the 2nd server directly?

Perhaps I should mention that I'm working from my home windows machine. I've mentioned sshing, but like the title says, I want to FTP my files using something like FileZilla, not some command-line interface (PuTTy).

Best Answer

You might want to check out OpenSSH's ProxyCommand, which allows you to specify an arbitrary command to establish a tunnel. In this case, you'd use an ssh connection to the first server, running something like netcat to connect to the second server. This is especially handy if you use public key authentification to connect to the first server, otherwise, you need to enter two passwords.

The relevant .ssh/config-snippet looks like this:

Host hidden-server
HostKeyAlias hidden-server
ProxyCommand ssh first-server nc -w1 hidden-server 22
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