Upload from URL to FTP server


Ok, I have a tar.gz file somewhere in a web server. The link looks like http://abcd.com/abcd.tar.gz .. And I have an FTP server running somewhere. Now, to upload the file to the FTP server, Typically I need to download it from the web server and then upload it again to the FTP server.

But I'm wondering if there is anyway, I can directly transfer the file to the FTP server over the web. Not by downloading and uploading again. Any help?

Best Answer

There is no cross specification of HTTP and FTP which would allow the two to interact. Someone, somewhere, would have to download, and then upload it.

If you have shell access to the web server, the easiest way would be to upload it directly from the webserver to the ftp server with the ftp command (Assuming it's a *nix server.)

If you have shell access to the ftp server, then you could also use the wget command to download the file directly to the ftp server, again assuming it's a *nix server.

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